Welcome to our home in our Spectacular Apartments. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. If there is anything we can do to help make your stay better, please let us know.
We are available by phone, text, and email Monday – Friday from 9:30 AM– 5:30 PM
Over the weekend, we are available by email and text only and there may be a delay in response time. For true emergencies, please use our 24/7 emergency extension listed below.
To reach a Property Manager during normal operating hours:
Phone: 404-682-2847 ext 2
If by chance we miss your call, please leave us a detailed voicemail with your name, phone number, and why you are calling and we will return your call promptly.
Text: 844-STAY-BCA (844-782-9222)
During your stay, please feel free to text us with any non-urgent questions or issues you might be having. We will respond to you as soon as we can. If a text message is received after hours, we will respond the following morning. If you are having an after-hours emergency, please dial our emergency line to reach the Manager on Duty.
Email: TeamBCA@StayBCA.com
Feel free to email us directly or message us through the messaging platform on the website you booked your reservation – Airbnb, Expedia, VRBO, etc.
To reach a Property Manager for after-hours emergencies:
Phone: 404-682-2847 ext 5
For after-hours emergencies (power outage, water leak, fire, or lockout), dial 404-682-2847 extension 5 to leave a voicemail for the Manager on Duty. They will return your phone call promptly. If you do not get a response after 15 minutes, please call again.
Our after-hours/emergency line is for guests with BCA Furnished Apartments. Tenants of Spectrum on Spring will need to follow their own after-hours procedures to contact the leasing office.
Remember that from 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday – Friday, a direct call will be answered faster than an emergency message.
The Property Guide below is your one-stop resource for how to use your apartment and make the most of your stay. Please look through the Table of Contents for a topic and click the link to have it bring you to the section.
Thank you for choosing BCA Furnished Apartments,
Mark, Scott, & Michael
BCA Furnished Apartment
Table of Contents
Property Rules
- Be A Good Neighbor and Keep the Noise Down
- No Smoking Policy
- No Parties or Additional Guests
- Surveillance Cameras are In-Use at this Property
- On-Site Courtesy Officer
Getting to Know Your Apartment
- Wireless Internet Access
- Key, Access Card and RFID's Issued
- Locking/Unlocking Your Door
- Cleaning Services - Bi-Weekly
- Laundry / Washer & Dryer
- Small Appliances – Don’t be a “Griswold” and overload the outlets!
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Trash and Recycling
- TV Service by PlutoTV & Roku
- Parking & Guest Parking
Deliveries, Mail, and Ordering Takeout
- Deliveries – Large Packages (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc)
- Mail – Letters, Envelops and Change of Address
- Ordering from Food Delivery Services
Building Amenities
Getting Around Atlanta
- Get Lyft & UBER Free Ride Credits*
- MARTA Public Transit
- Rental Cars
- Groceries, Sundries and other Supplies
Important Information
- Check-out Instructions
- Key & Access Card Return
- How to Avoid Damage Fees & Common Issues
- Want to extend your stay?
- Want to Request a Late Checkout?
Property Rules
Be A Good Neighbor and Keep the Noise Down
Remember, you are staying in a residential neighborhood.
Be courteous of the neighbors around you and keep music, conversations, and footsteps at a minimal level, especially during “Quiet Hours” between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM.
No Smoking Policy
Absolutely NO SMOKING inside of the apartments or on the property.
Absolutely NO SMOKING, Grilling, Candles or Fire Hazards of any kind in the apartment, balcony or common areas (including the pool and center courtyard) or within 20 feet of the building exterior. Grilling of food is only permitted on the gas grills near the pool, please be courteous of other users.
Smoking is Strictly Prohibited in all areas of Spectrum on Spring by the community’s owner & operator. You are responsible for full repair or replacement cost of all items and surfaces damaged by smoking.
Tampering with a smoke detector is a crime and cause for immediate removal without a refund.
If you do go for a walk around the neighborhood to smoke, PLEASE DO NOT LITTER.
Guests are responsible for all damages, including smoking in a smoke-free property. For signs or odor of smoking of any type (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, marijuana or anything else) in the home or around the property.
Your reservation will be terminated immediately without a refund, and you will be fined a minimum of $450
Our damage policy is defined in the Terms and Conditions located at www.StayBCA.com/Terms-and-Conditions/.
No Parties or Additional Guests
Absolutely NO PARTIES or GATHERINGS in apartments, balconies, parking lots, courtyards, or common areas (including the pool and center courtyard).
1BR/1BA Apartments – No more than four (4) people are allowed in each apartment at any time and no more than two (2) people are allowed overnight (in bed only, sofas are not sleepers).
2BR/2BA Apartments – No more than six (6) people are allowed in each apartment at any time and no more than four (4) people are allowed overnight (in beds only, sofas are not sleepers).
Surveillance Cameras are In-Use at this Property
The property has 24-hour surveillance and is patrolled.
Please do not put us in an uncomfortable position of calling the police to have you removed without a refund.
On-Site Courtesy Officer
Spectrum has an on-site courtesy officer. You can now report after hour issues through the call system.
Please call Spectrum’s mainline at 404-963-6618 ext 4. Please listen to the prompts, just in case they have changed.
Please note: if you have an actual emergency, please do not call the mainline, instead call 911 directly for immediate assistance.
The courtesy officer is there to help mitigate issues onsite, like smoking, noise complaints, walk the parking decks, pool monitoring during the summer and making sure amenity space regulations are being followed. All violations will be reported to management as they occur and documented accordingly.
Another option is to contact Midtown Blue with any safety-related concerns in Midtown when you are not on the property.
Their number is 404-817-0500.
Getting to Know Your Apartment
Wireless Internet Access
Wi-Fi information can be found in the living room under the acrylic top on the bookcase below the TV.
Please do not make any changes to our internet equipment.
Key, Access Card and RFID's Issued
You have been issued:
- (2) black door-keys
- (2) access-cards/fobs
- (2) hanging parking passes
- (2) garage-RFID-cards.
The black door keys will lock and unlock your apartment door. The door does not self-lock, remember to lock the door behind you.
The access cards/FOBs will grant you access to the building, elevators, and the building amenities like the pool, gym, and dog park.
The hanging parking passes should remain in your car for the duration of your stay. The hanging passes DO NOT open the garage door. It must be hanging from your rearview mirror at all times while parked on P1 or P2. If your car is parked incorrectly or your hanging parking pass is not visible you risk getting booted and will have to pay the $75 to have it removed.
The garage-RFID-cards will open the garage door. We recommend keeping this in your car or on the same ring as your apartment key during the duration of your stay to avoid getting stuck outside the secured parking area.
You are responsible for all keys, cards, and FOBs given to you for your stay. Lost/damaged/replacement fees are:
- $50 for each door-key
- $150 for each access-card/fob
- $75 for each hanging parking pass
- $150 fee for each garage-RFID-card
Locking/Unlocking Your Door
To lock the door, insert the key and wait for the light to turn green. When the light blinks, turn the key to engage/disengage the deadbolt like you would a normal key.
- Turn clockwise to lock the door
- Turn counterclockwise to unlock the door
IMPORTANT: Your door does not auto-lock. Don’t forget to lock your door when you are home and when you depart.
Cleaning Services - Bi-Weekly
If you are staying longer than 14-nights your reservation is eligible for (1) cleaning in every 14 day period. Bi-weekly stayover cleaning service(s) are between 09:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
If you are staying less than 14 nights and need extra towels during your stay, please contact a Property Manager at 404-682-2847
All cleaning services will be noted on your Welcome Letter upon check-in.
Daily, weekly, or more frequent cleaning services are available at an additional cost of $110 for a 1-bedroom and $125 for a 2-bedroom apartment per cleaning.
All cleanings are scheduled in advance. Any changes to a stayover or departure cleanings must be submitted to the Property Manager by 2 PM the day before your scheduled cleaning date.
If your scheduled stayover cleaning is missed or canceled the day of or if you extend your reservation on the day of your departure, you will be charged an extra cleaning fee.
- 1-Bedroom Apartments $110/Cleaning
- 2-Bedroom Apartments $125/Cleaning
Stayover cleanings have no cash value and cannot be credited to the reservation if canceled or we are unable to access the apartment.
Laundry / Washer & Dryer
DRYERS! Remember to clean out the lint trap after each cycle. They are located either inside the door or at the front of the dryers.
The washer & dryer are in the walk-in closet or the kitchen closet.
Some of the washers have lights noting that the lid/door is locked – do not attempt to open the lid/door until the light is off.
Some machines may have a latch to keep the lid open – please use the “release” button to close the lid.
Do not force the lids/doors to open or close, or damage charges will be assessed.
Small Appliances – Don’t be a “Griswold” and overload the outlets!
Hair dryers and curling irons should ONLY be used in the bathrooms.
This outlet is rated for high-wattage devices. Please limit the simultaneous use of these and other small appliances.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Only make small adjustments to the thermostat and allow time for the temperature to reach the desired temperature.
It may take up to 30 minutes to heat or cool the apartment.
Help save energy by using ceiling fans for comfort.
Trash and Recycling
Trash chute is located between the 11 and 14 apartment stacks on each floor in the South-West corner next to the stairwell.
TV Service by PlutoTV & Roku
Each TV in your apartment is a Roku-enabled smart TV. You will be able to access all your favorite streaming services.
BCA Furnished Apartments provides free streaming services through PlutoTV .
Press the HOME icon button on your remote control and select the PlutoTV icon
In the Pluto App, YELLOW highlights the category. Top navigation includes LIVE and ON DEMAND. Left navigation is the programming CATEGORIES.
Guests can log into their own streaming accounts during their stay. Please remember to log out before you leave.
If you have been the beneficiary of a previous guest who forgot to log out of an account, please know that some accounts allow users to log out remotely and at any time you could lose access to that account.
For paid streaming accounts, it is best to use your own accounts.
Parking & Guest Parking
- The hanging passes DO NOT open the garage doors. Use the RFID cards provided to open the garage doors.
- The QR code and parking permit number must be visible and scannable at all times in the parking deck
- If your parking pass is not hanging on the rearview mirror, or the QR code and parking permit number are not visible you will be booted at your expense
- Please submit your vehicle information (make, model, year, color, and license plate) through our arrival check-in form
To enter and exit the secured parking area you will need to have your garage RFID card with you in the car.
You may park in any unmarked space on P1 or P2 as long as you display this parking pass. Each apartment is allotted (2) unassigned parking spaces.
Please return both hanging parking passes to the BCA drop box at the end of your stay to avoid a $75 charge per pass.
- You and your guests can get 40% off hourly parking on the ground level by using the discount code “Spectrum421“
Deliveries, Mail, and Ordering Takeout
Deliveries – Large Packages (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc)
For large packages and deliveries, please direct them to the BCA office:
[Name] [Apartment#]
c/o BCA Furnished Apartments
44 25th Street NW
Atlanta GA 30309
A BCA Property Manager will deliver your mail and packages to your apartment.
IMPORTANT: The onsite community property management team at Spectrum on Spring will not be able to assist you with your mail or packages. Do not deliver large packages to Spectrum on Spring.
Mail – Letters, Envelops and Change of Address
For letters, envelopes, and regular mail, please direct them to the BCA office:
[Name] [Apartment#]
c/o BCA Furnished Apartments
44 25th Street NW
Atlanta GA 30309
A BCA Property Manager will deliver your mail to your apartment.
IMPORTANT: The onsite community property management team at Spectrum on Spring will not be able to assist you with your mail or packages. We check each apartment’s mailbox weekly. If your mail does end up in a mailbox at Spectrum, we will deliver it to your apartment.
Ordering from Food Delivery Services
When ordering food for delivery, direct them to “Spectrum on Spring”.
1270 Spring St NW
[Apartment #]
Atlanta, GA 30309
The delivery service will need to call you on your mobile number so you can meet them in the lobby.
Guests do not have access to buzz-up delivery and food cannot be delivered to your apartment door. Guests will have to meet the delivery driver in the lobby.
Remember to take your access card with you to get back into the elevator when returning from the lobby.
Building Amenities
The pool is located on the 2nd floor of the building.
To access this amenity you will need your access card/fob.
Click here to open the 2nd Floor Amenities Map.
While using these amenities, please observe all of the rules:
- Residents and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the pool area.
- There are no Lifeguards on duty at any time. All Swimmers swim at their own risk.
- Owner is not responsible for accidents or injuries. For their safety, Residents should not swim alone. Pool hours are posted at the pool.
- No smoking, glass, pets, or alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area. Use paper or plastic containers only.
- Proper swimming attire is always required and a swimsuit “cover up” should be worn to and from the pool.
- No running or rough activities are allowed in the pool area.
- Respect others by minimizing noise, covering pool furniture with a towel when using suntan oils, leaving pool furniture in pool areas, disposing of trash and keeping pool gates closed for safety.
- Resident(s) must accompany their guests.
- Resident(s) must notify Owner any time there is a problem or safety hazard at the pool.
BCA makes no guarantee of pool availability which is seasonal, weather permitting and at the sole discretion of the Owner.
Club Room & Business Center
The community Club Room and Business Center are located on the 2nd floor of the building.
To access these amenities you will need your access card/fob.
Click here to open the 2nd Floor Amenities Map.
While using these amenities, please observe all of the rules:
- Residents and guests agree to use the business center at the Residents’ sole risk and according to the Rules and Regulations posted in the business center.
- Owner is not responsible for data, files, programs or any other information lost or damaged on Business Center computers or in the Business Center for any reason.
- No software may be loaded on Business Center computers without the written approval of Community Management.
- No inappropriate, offensive, or pornographic images or files (in the sole judgment of the Owner) will be viewed or loaded onto the Business Center computers at any time.
- Residents will limit time on computers if others are waiting to use them.
- Smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, and any disturbing behavior are prohibited in the business center.
BCA makes no guarantee of Club Room & Business Center availability which is at the sole discretion of the Owner.
Fitness Center / Gym
The fitness center/gym is located on the 3rd floor, alternate access to the fitness center/gym can be found on the 2nd floor through the community Club Room and Business Center.
To access this amenity you will need your access card/fob.
Click here to open the 2nd Floor Amenities Map.
While using this amenity, please observe all of the rules:
- Residents and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the fitness center.
- The Fitness Center is not supervised. Resident(s) are solely responsible for their own appropriate use of equipment.
- Resident(s) shall carefully inspect each piece of equipment prior to Resident’s use and shall refrain from using any equipment that may be functioning improperly or that may be damaged or dangerous.
- Resident(s) shall immediately report to BCA Management any equipment that is not functioning properly, is damaged or appears dangerous, as well any other person’s use that appears to be dangerous or in violation of Rules and Policies.
- Resident(s) shall consult a physician before using any equipment in the Fitness Center and before participating in any aerobics or exercise class and will refrain from such use or participation unless approved by Resident’s physician.
- Resident(s) will always keep Fitness Center locked during Resident’s visit to the Fitness Center.
- Resident(s) will not admit any person to the Fitness Center who has not registered with the Management Office.
- Resident(s) must accompany all guests, and no glass, smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, or black sole shoes are permitted in the Fitness Center.
BCA makes no guarantee of Fitness Center availability which is at the sole discretion of the Owner.
Bike Racks
Bike racks are available on level P2 of the parking garage. Access card/fob is required.
Dog Park
The Dog Park is located on the Southside of the building on the ground level via Spring Street.
You can access the entrance to the dog park by either walking south on Spring Street to the end of the building or by exiting the south stairwell on the 2nd Floor of the building.
To access this amenity you will need your access card/fob.
Click here to open the 2nd Floor Amenities Map.
Dog Wash Station
The Dog Wash Station is located on level P2 of the parking garage.
To access this amenity you will need your access card/fob.
Getting Around Atlanta
Atlanta is a wonderful city with many things to see and do! While you are visiting here are some of the most common ways to get around town.
Get Lyft & UBER Free Ride Credits*
For (2) or more people it is generally less expensive and faster to take a ride sharing service.
LYFT: lyft.com/invited/DAVID533736
Ride Credit promotions vary and are not guaranteed. The codes listing is for a new sign-up or taking your first ride in Atlanta.
MARTA Public Transit
Transit with MARTA costs $2.50 per ride per person.
The closest MARTA train station is Arts Center (0.2 miles West on 16th Street and then South on West Peachtree Street).
Visit It’sMarta.com or Google Maps for additional information.
Rental Cars
For our guests staying for extended periods of time, renting a car is a great way to save money during your stay.
Your apartment in our Spectacular Suites comes with (2) parking spots include.
Nearby Rental Car Companies:
Sixt Rent A Car
Thrifty Car Rental
Zip Car
Groceries, Sundries and other Supplies
For groceries and sundries, we recommend:
- Whole Foods – Flagship Store on 14th St. (0.3 miles South)
- Publix Plaza Midtown (0.6 mile S)
- Publix Atlantic Station (0.9 mile NW)
- Target Atlantic Station (1 mile NW)
- Savi Provisions (0.9 mile SE)
- Fresh Market (1.7 miles N)
Important Information
Check-out Instructions
We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay in the Spectacular Suites by BCA Furnished Apartments.
Check-out is before 11:00 AM to ensure we are prepared for our next guest.
Checkout Checklist:
- Leave bathroom towels hanging or on the floor of the bathroom. The total count of towel linens in your apartment PER BEDROOM is:
- (4) large bath towels
- (4) hand towels
- (4) wash cloths
- (1) bathroom mat
- (2) kitchen towels
- (4) black wash cloths
- (2) pool towels.
- Leave bed linens on the bed. The total count of linens in your apartment PER BEDROOM is:
- (1) blue bedspread (stored in closet winter)
- (1) accent pillow
- (4) flat and/or fitted sheets
- (8) pillow cases
- (4) pillows with pillow protectors
- (1) mattress protector
- (1) box spring cover
- (1) white comforter with duvet (stored in closet summer).
- If used, empty coffee pot, fill pot with water and leave soaking in sink.
- Load and start the dishwasher. Wash and rinse any other dirty dishes that may be left over and lay over the dish towel on the kitchen counter.
- Empty refrigerator and cabinets of any perishable items.
- Do not remove or discard empty or unused spray cleaners, dish soap or hand soap dispensers: we will refill and reuse. There will be a $25 restock fee per item if removed.
- Collect trash and recycling from kitchen and bathrooms. Take trash and recycling to the trash chute located between the 11 and 13 apartment stacks on each floor in the South-East corner next to the stairwell.
- Set thermostat to 65F (Heat; winter) or 74F (A/C; summer).
- Check the bathrooms, closets, drawers, cabinets, and refrigerator for personal belongings.
- Please follow the instructions for your “Key & Access Card Return” to return your sets of keys.
- Exit and verify that the front door is closed and locked.
Thank you again for staying with us. Please take a minute to review BCA Furnished Apartments on Facebook or Google – your choice, one or both, and the website you used to find us or book your stay. Thank you for your review.
Key & Access Card Return
To avoid additional room charges, be sure to check-out by 11:00 AM on the day of your departure.
For your Key Return process, we recommend that you bring your car up to the main parking level for a smoother departure. Note the limited parking and time limits.
The dropbox to return your keys is located in the stairwell to the left of the elevator on the main floor near the lobby. This is the same stairwell where you picked up your apartment keys at the beginning of your stay.
Please place both complete sets of keys in the metal dropbox hanging on the wall labeled “BCA Furnished Apartments Dropbox”.
Please DO NOT return your keys to the canister that you retrieved them from, only deposit them in the dropbox on the wall.
All of the keys, access cards/fobs and garage RFID’s include:
(2) Hanging Parking Passes
(2) Black Apartment Keys
(2) Access Cards/Fobs
(2) Garage RFID Cards
Make sure that you have all your belongings.
Exit the apartment and lock the door behind you.
Confirm your door is locked.
Move your vehicle to the first floor of the parking deck in a Future Resident parking spot. Note the limited parking and time limits.
Find the stairwell located to the left of the elevator on the main floor near the lobby. This is the same stairwell where you picked up your apartment keys at the beginning of your stay.
Locate the metal dropbox hanging on the wall with the label “BCA Furnished Apartments Dropbox”.
Place all of the keys, access cards/fobs and garage RFID’s.
Thank you again for staying with us – Have a safe trip home!
How to Avoid Damage Fees & Common Issues
We are a small business and we closely monitor our inventory of contents, furnishings, linens, cleaning supplies and soap dispensers. In the simplest terms, please do not take it, and please do not break it.
If something does not look right when you check-in, or something does happen during your stay, please notify a Property Manager so we can help mitigate or resolve the problem and minimize additional charges, if any.
Our Property Managers fully inspect each apartment for damage and contents after each check-out and before each check-in for all stays.
The most common damage charges result from stains on bathroom towels, hand towels and washcloths used in the kitchen, to remove makeup or to polish shoes. (BCA does provide black washcloths for shoe polishing and makeup removal to avoid such charges.) Missing silverware, cups or glasses; rearranging furniture; or excessive messes that require additional cleaning are also common.
Other common charges:
• Permanent staining or soiling of towels, sheets, bed linens, mattresses, pillows, upholstery, walls, furniture, etc.
• Replacement of missing or broken houseware items, including but not limited to glassware, cookware, cutlery, lighting, furniture, cleaning supplies, etc.
• Excessive cleaning if required either during stay or after departure
• Boiling over, scorching or any mess on stove, in oven or microwave or on cookware requiring extra cleaning
• Signs of pets in the home or around the property without prior approval and payment of required fees
• Signs of damage from hair chemicals, colors, straighteners, nail polish, etc.
• Damage to or misuse of the washer, dryer or other appliances
• Signs of or residual smoke or debris of candles or incense
• Exceeding the maximum occupancy at any time
• Signs of a party or gathering
• Rearranging or damage to furniture
• Failing to vacate the property promptly at your scheduled checkout time without prior written approval and payment of any extension fees
In the Check-In and Lodging Agreement form, you authorized us to charge your credit card for the cost of full replacement plus installation to all items damaged or missing from your stay.
Please note, your credit card will not be charged unless damages are incurred.
Our damage policy is defined in the Terms and Conditions located at www.StayBCA.com/Terms-and-Conditions/.
Want to extend your stay?
If you wish to extend your stay, please contact our office as soon as possible. Extensions are granted based on availability, and we cannot grant every request. We recommend extending as soon as you know you will need it.
Please call 404-682-2847 ext 2 to speak with a property manager.
Extensions can be processed anytime during your stay and up to 24 hours before your check-out date for no additional fee.
If you contact us to modify your reservation on the day of departure, you will be charged a rescheduling cleaning fee.
- 1-bedroom: $110
- 2-bedroom: $125
Nightly rates of the extension are based on the rates at the time in which the extension is made and off the length of time of the extensions, not the length of the entire reservation.
If you booked through an online travel agent such as Expedia or Booking.com, you will need to request to modify your reservation through the online travel agent you originally booked with. We cannot modify the reservation for you, but we can offer to book you directly.
If you booked with Airbnb, you will need to send us an alteration request through your reservation on Airbnb with the updated check-out date.
Want to Request a Late Checkout?
Please submit your request 24 hours before your check-out date/time. Late checkouts are subject to availability and a late checkout fee would apply.
Late Checkout Fee | |||
1:00 PM | After 1 PM | ||
Requested 24+ hours before check-out | $40 | Average Nightly Rate | |
Requested less than 24 hours before check-out | Full Nightly Rate | Full Nightly Rate |